The Cavalier king Charles Spaniel
Has Captured Our Heart and Home
Marino's Precious Cavaliers
From Our Hearts to your Laps
Changing One Home at a Time
Customer Testimonials

Bentley is such a love. He has a great personality and is quick to learn. He seems to love his new home and all the attention. Thank you for such a great pet. He will be spoiled-to-death soon.
Dino and Sue Beaver

Reference Letter from Wendy
Hi Heather, I just wanted to write you and let you know a little about Dexter from your first litter. Dexter turned one year old last week, so I have had him since he was 8 wks old. He is very healthy no signs of hip or knee problems or mitro valve prolapse ( MVP).He is the most amazing dog. Dexter is very easy to train. I had him potty trained by the time he was 9 wks.... I took him out every 2 hours around the clock, and he understood quickly that he needed to go potty outside only. He has not had any accidents in our house.
He is very social with dogs, even with cats (I have 3 cats). I have a cat named Luke. Dexter and Luke play all the time it is so funny.
Dexter is so lovable, if u want a lap dog this is the dog for you. I put a lot of time into dexter I taught him the basics sit, lay, rollover, shake, stay, wait, fetch.
He seems to learn something new every day. I am so happy I made the decision to get Dexter.
I have been having some medical issues going on in my life and Dexter being by my side through all this has help me so much. Dexter gives me unconditional love. He knows when I am not feeling well and he will lay with me. He loves to be bathed and blow dried. I brush him twice a day which he loves.
Dexter only barks if he sees a bird in my yard, other than that he doesn't bark. He loves to go to the dog park, as soon as I say dog park he gets his collar and runs to car door he waits for me to open it and jumps in, I am thinking about getting another pup (a girl) from your second litter. I know that you hand raise them in the house. I saw that they got a lot of attention. they are socilized with dogs and people. Heather dose such a wonderful job raising these little pups until they are ready to go to there forever home.
I cant imagine life without Dexter. I grew up being a cat person, but Dex changed that I am now a dog person too.
I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking wonderful care of them the first 8 wks of life. I believe those weeks are very important.
Thanks again, keep in touch,
Wendy Grubstad

Hi Heather!
Just wanted to say hi and give you an update on Charlie! She is doing really well, we couldn't be happier with her. She's catching on to potty training, doing great in her house at night and learned how to sit last week! We just love her, she's our little gremlin and growls at everything lol

Carter is growing up so quickly!! I can't believe he will already be 10 months old next week. Adam and I can't thank you enough for our little angel, he has truly changed our lives!!
Love, Claire xoxo

We love our little surfer girl" Summer". She loves playing at the beach. She is a sweetheart.
The Fimlaid family

Hi Heather!
Just wanted to say happy Sunday and let you know how much we adore and love out sweet little Nova! She has been such an amazing blessing! We hope your family and all the pups are doing great! Gabriella, Rod & Nova

Thank you so much for all of the support the day I met you! Thank you for recommending that I get a male. Tucker (formally Brody) is such a blessing to our family! He is the perfect lap dog but he is also extremely playful and absolutely loves fetch and tug-a-war! He is the perfect combination of every other dog. He has loved his first Christmas! He has had so many toys and fun that he doesn't even know what to do with himself! He also has up wrapped around those fingers... It's hard to not give in to a dog who ALWAYS has puppy dog eyes...
- Chelsea Cloe-

Kingston Jr. loves the beach and playing ball at home!! Life is great!!! We love him so much!!! t
Thank you,

Yesterday, Facebook reminded me that it had been three years since getting my Tucker! I can't imagine life without him. I was not in a happy place when I got him and he really did save me! Thank you so much heather!
sent in by Chelsea Winter
Atlas, our 3 and half month old cavalier, has found a new "sleep buddy", his rabbit toy. Thank you, Heather, for bringing much joy to our lives. Atlas is truly our little "love bug". Luella
Henry August Theodore of Kingston. From Jasmine and Kingston June 8, 2015 Such a handsome boy. I love this pup!
Sent in By Betty Mitchel

Bentley's best friend and brother is a pit bull. The play hard, fight hard, and then cuddle and make up. Bentley thinks he's a big dog.
Sent in by Elaina Jiror
The boys killing it on the lake ( Kopi and Carter)
sent in by ,
Adam Olbrychowski
A complete set of MPC-MVPs Marlborough Edition ❤️❤️❤️
Angus, Finn, Sully & Murphy☘️
Sent in by Lisa McCarthy
Between her and her neighbor they own a complete set from us☻

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Happy 2nd Birthday Penelope!
And all her brothers and sisters.
Juliet and Kingston did great !
Producing WONDERFUL puppies.
Smart, Sassy and Beautiful!
Love'n'Licks always!
Jillie Selleck